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Representing Older South Australians

COTA SA promotes the rights, needs and interests of more than 700,000 older South Australians by influencing the policies and actions of government, the private sector and the community sector.

Older person in green top smiling

COTA SA is an older persons movement run by and for older people. We promote the rights, needs and interests of more than 700,000 older South Australians by influencing the policies and actions of government, the private sector and the community sector.

Part of the national COTA Federation, we inform and influence social policies and public opinion by communicating directly with decision-makers and the public, and through traditional and media.

Modern ageing bears little resemblance to the stereotypes of ageing in generations past, and as such, COTA SA's ambition is to change the way we think and do ageing.

The priorities for our policy and advocacy work include:

  • Ageing well in country South Australia
  • Housing
  • Digital inclusion
  • Ageism and age discrimination
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Employment
  • Social inclusion
  • Climate in all.

Review our current key policy areas using the below links.

Informing our policy and advocacy

As the peak body for older South Australians we regularly engage with South Australians 50+ to ensure that COTA SA represents the rights, interests and views of the diversity of older South Australians. This includes engagement with South Australians 50+ from a wide range of communities including regional South Australians, CALD, LGBTI+ and those with special areas of interest (such as climate change).

This engagement helps inform our policy and advocacy by identifying key issues and priorities for these communities which helps to inform our Policy Council.

If you have thoughts or suggestions you would like to share, we would love to hear from you:

Key policy areas

To read more about each of our current key policy areas, please click on the below links.

State Budget Submission

Policy Council

The COTA SA Policy Council is the key policy advisory group and a committee of the COTA SA Board. It contributes to the achievement of the COTA SA strategic plan and adheres to the COTA SA constitution.

Policy Council members provide expertise and advice on issues of ageing to advance the rights, needs and interests of older people. This advice informs policy development within COTA SA, as well as influencing the national agenda through input into the work of COTA Australia.

It achieves this through:

  • Identifying issues for policy focus and research
  • Advocating for policy reforms and outcomes
  • Influencing decision-makers in the government and community and business sectors.

Our aim is for the Policy Council to be as reflective of the diversity of older South Australians as possible. In this way, we can best represent the interests of all older people.

To help shape our advocacy and policy priorities, we welcome your comments, suggestions and views, and are always seeking more volunteers to represent the views of older people on a range of committees and advisory groups.

Current Members of the Policy Council

Advisory boards and committees

As an independent organisation, COTA SA provides unbiased and effective representation of the views and interests of older South Australians to decision-makers and those influencing policy.

COTA SA staff and volunteers represent your interests on more than 40 advisory boards and committees in the government, not-for-profit, business and research sectors, covering a wide range of issues, such as health, energy, transport, justice, community services, and housing.

To help shape our advocacy and policy priorities, we welcome your comments, suggestions and views, and are always seeking more volunteers to represent the views of older people on a range of committees and advisory groups.

Representation on advisory boards and committees

  • Adult Safeguarding Advisory Group (SA Health)
  • Advance Care Planning Oversight Group
  • AGN Reference Group
  • Citizen Science Impacts on Health & Wellbeing Outcomes in Older South Australians Project Steering Group
  • Concessions Review Reference Group
  • COTA Australia National Policy Council
  • Courts Administration Authority Reference Advisory Committee
  • Essential Services Commission of SA Consumer Advisory Committee (ESCOSA CAC)
  • Fleurieu and Positive Ageing Task Force
  • Keolis Downer Adelaide — Accessibility Reference Group
  • Non-Acute Infection Control Special Interest Group (NICSIG)
  • Retirement Villages Advisory Committee (RVAC)
  • ROSA (Registry of Senior Australians) Consumer and Community Committee (SAHMRI)
  • SA Aged Care Collaboration Group
  • SA Ambulance Service Advisory Committee (SAAS CAC)
  • SA Dental Service Consumer Advisory Panel
  • SA Innovation Hub
  • SA Power Networks Vulnerable Customers Reference Group
  • SA Water Residential Customer Advisory Group
  • Statewide Palliative Care Clinical Network Steering Committee

National Policy Council

Each of the eight member organisations of COTA Australia nominates one elected member as its representative to the National Policy Council (NPC).

The objectives of the National Policy Council are to:

  • Identify issues for policy focus
  • Prioritise and research issues and responses
  • Determine policies based on member input, research and dialogue
  • Provide leadership and expertise on ageing issues
  • Determine main strategies for developing and advancing the policy agenda

The National Policy Council holds two meetings per year where it frequently hosts a high profile guest speaker. In the past the Council has hosted the Hon Susan Ryan AO, Aged Discrimination Commissioner; the Hon Senator Mitch Fifield, Assistant Minister for Social Services with responsibility for Ageing and Disability and the Hon Mark Butler MP as Minister for Ageing.

The National Policy Council leads the development of the National Policy Forum, a high level annual event that explores the opportunities and challenges that face older Australians as they seek to participate in our community.

Please see the COTA Australia website for up-to-date information on the activities of the National Policy Council.

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