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COTA SA’s 2023/24 State Budget Submission

Informed by extensive consultation and engagement with thousands of older South Australians and key stakeholders, we are pleased to now share with you COTA SA's 2023/24 State Budget submission.

The submission represents and unites the diverse voices and needs of 700,000 older South Australians, urging the government to address specific and unique needs and aspirations across five priority areas:

  • Cost of Living and Financial Security
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Ageing in Regional South Australia
  • Housing
  • Social Connections and Digital Inclusion.

The submission has been informed by consultation and engagement with thousands of older South Australians and key stakeholders, and builds on the messages in our 2022 State Election platform.

We are currently in the process of sharing and discussing our submission with the Treasurer, Ministers, Shadow Ministers and key decision makers, to ensure that the priorities of older South Australians are factored into the next State budget.

Stay tuned! In the coming weeks we will focus in on the priorities and key recommendations in more detail so you too can fully understand what COTA SA is advocating for on behalf of all older South Australians.

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