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If you're in immediate danger, please call 000.
- Looking for more information about violence against older women?
- Are you experiencing violence in your home?
- Are you concerned about someone who may be experiencing Violence?
- Are you worried about someone’s behaviour?
- Interested in learning more about violence toward older women, even if you’re not personally affected?
On this page, we've listed a range of services to help guide you toward the information and support you need.
Family, domestic and sexual violence is not always physical. The definition covers a wide range of violence and abuse that may be perpetrated against older women, including:
- Intimate partner violence: commonly known as ‘domestic violence’, refers to any behaviour within an intimate relationship, either current or past, that causes physical, sexual, or physiological harm. Intimate partner violence can also occur outside of the domestic setting, such as in public and between two people who do not live together.
- Family violence: refers not only to violence between intimate partners but also to violence perpetrated in family-like settings. For example, elder abuse, violence perpetrated by children or young people against parents, guardians or siblings, and violence perpetrated by other family members such as parents-in-law.
- Sexual Violence: refers to sexual activity that happens where consent is not freely given or obtained, is withdrawn or the person is forced, coerced or manipulated into any sexual activity. Sexual violence can be non-physical and include unwanted sexualised comments, intrusive sexualised questions or harassment of a sexual nature.
- Coercive control: describes a pattern of abusive behaviours against another person over time, with the effect of establishing and maintaining power and dominance over them. For example, financial abuse, restricting freedom or independence, using threats and intimidation, emotional or psychological abuse (including spiritual and religious abuse) and technology-facilitated abuse.
Key Services
https://www.1800respect.org.au/ | call 1800 737 732 | text 0458 737 732 | 24/7 service
1800RESPECT is the national domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support service. It is available for free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call 1800 737 732, text 0458 737 732 or visit www.1800respect.org.au for online chat and video call services.
Domestic Violence Crisis Line
Domestic Violence Crisis Line
Domestic Violence Crisis Line | 1800 800 098
If you or someone you know is in crisis, call the Domestic Violence Crisis Line. If you call the Domestic Violence Crisis Line you can expect that you will:
- be listened to and believed
- have your options explained
- get to make your own decisions about what is best for you and your family
- be connected with a safe telephone interpreter if you need one
https://www.lifeline.org.au/ | call 13 11 14 | text 0477 13 11 14 | 27/7 service
A national charity providing all Australians experiencing emotional distress with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services. Lifeline exist so that no person in Australia has to face their darkest moments alone.
13 Yarn
13 Yarn
https://www.13yarn.org.au/ | 13 92 76
If you, or someone you know, are feeling worried or no good, we encourage you to connect with 13YARN on 13 92 76 (24 hours/7 days) and talk with an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Crisis Supporter.
This is your story; your journey and we will take the time to listen. No shame, no judgement, safe place to yarn. We’re here for you.
SA Police
SA Police
Call 000 for emergency assistance.
Services in South Australia
Adult Safeguarding Unit
Adult Safeguarding Unit
Adult Safeguarding Unit | 1800 372 310
If you suspect you or someone you know is being abused or mistreated, you can contact the Adult Safeguarding Unit.
Key areas of support for older women: provide confidential information, respond to reports of suspected or actual abuse, provide support to safeguard the rights of adults experiencing abuse, raise community awareness.
Women’s Safety Services SA (WSSSA)
Women’s Safety Services SA (WSSSA)
https://womenssafetyservices.com.au/ | (08) 8152 9200 | DV Crisis Hotline: 1800 800 098
(WSSSA) supports women and their children who are experiencing domestic and family violence. They are an organisation committed to helping people find safety and support during and after experiencing abuse.
Key service areas for older women: Accommodation assistance, counselling, financial assistance, advocacy, outreach, men’s services (behaviour change), safety planning.
Nunga Mi:Minar
Nunga Mi:Minar
Nunga Mi:Minar | call 08 8367 6474
Northern Regional Domestic Violence and Aboriginal Family Violence Service supporting Aboriginal women and their children experiencing or escaping family violence.
KWY Aboriginal Corporation
KWY Aboriginal Corporation
https://www.kwy.org.au/ | call 08 8377 7822
KWY provides Aboriginal people, families and communities with cultural and support services to build positive change.
Centacare Catholic Community Services
Centacare Catholic Community Services
https://www.centacare.org.au/ | 08 8215 6700
Centacare deliver over 60 community services across 30+ sites in metropolitan Adelaide and reginal south Australia. They deliver effective and flexible community services to South Australians of all ages, religions, ethnicities, cultures, abilities, gender identities and sexual orientations.
Key service areas for older women: counselling / mediation, homelessness, alcohol & other drugs, mental health, domestic violence, NDIS, connection to community.
Yarrow place
Yarrow place
https://www.wchn.sa.gov.au/our-network/yarrow-place | 08 8161 7000
Yarrow Place Rape and Sexual Assault Service is a service for anyone who has been sexually assaulted. Yarrow Place provides free and confidential service for people aged 16 years and over at the time of the sexual assault.
Key service areas for older women: 24 hour crisis response, counselling, advocacy, group programs, therapeutic support, country support, outreach
Relationships Australia South Australia
Relationships Australia South Australia
https://www.rasa.org.au/ | 1300 364 227
Relationships Australia South Australia (RASA) is a not for profit, secular organisation that is committed to improving the quality of family and community relationships, enabling individuals to thrive.
Key areas of support for older women: Mental health and counselling, family separation, mediation, gambling help, domestic and family violence, victims of crime support, mental health in residential aged care, multicultural services.
Catherine House Inc
Catherine House Inc
https://catherinehouse.org.au/ | 08 8232 2282
Catherine House provides accommodation and support services for women over the age of 18, unaccompanied by children, experiencing homelessness in South Australia.
Key areas of support for older women: Housing accommodation and support, mental health
Zahra foundation
Zahra foundation
https://zahrafoundation.org.au/ | 08 8352 1889
The Zahra Foundation provides programs, services, education and support that empowers you to take the next steps forward and build a life free from poverty and abuse.
Key areas of support for older women: financial counselling, domestic violence, empowerment program(s).
Uniting communities
Uniting communities
https://www.unitingcommunities.org/ | 1800 615 677
Uniting communities help those in need find the courage to move forward through enriching their lives and uniting the communities in which they live. By tackling the deep-seated challenges that affect people’s lives, they are working to create systemic change and brighter futures for all South Australians.
Key areas of support for older women: Mental health and counselling, alcohol and other drugs, domestic and family violence, crisis support, elder abuse, help at home, residential aged care, support for carers, retirement residents, disability, homelessness, legal services, financial wellbeing, community support.
Legal Services Commission of South Australia
Legal Services Commission of South Australia
https://lsc.sa.gov.au/ | 1300 366 424
Legal Services seeks to give all South Australians equal access to justice through the legal system, providing free legal information, legal advice and legal education to all. Legal Services has also been involved in advising and supporting victims of family and domestic violence since the 1990s, and it operates a Women’s Domestic Violence Court Assistance Service at city and suburban Magistrates Courts and a dedicated Domestic Violence Unit at Elizabeth.
Key areas of support for older women: Domestic Violence, Legal Advice and Support.
https://anglicaresa.com.au/ | 08 8305 9200
Anglicare SA works with vulnerable members of the community to build communities of resilience, hope and justice. Their services are delivered in partnership with people, and their communities.
Key areas of support for older women: housing and homelessness, NDIS services, aged care, foster care, emergency assistance, financial counselling and literacy, Aboriginal services, new arrivals.
Yellow Gate
Yellow Gate
https://theyellowgate.org.au/ | 1300 564 164
The Yellow Gate provides free and confidential services for women who have experienced or are experiencing domestic, family, and sexual violence in the catchment areas within Southern Metropolitan Adelaide.
Key areas of support for older women: counselling, therapeutic group programs, community hub.
Uniting Communities Wesley Bowden (UCWB)
Uniting Communities Wesley Bowden (UCWB)
https://ucwb.org.au/ | 08 8245 7100
Provide services throughout greater Adealide regions across a range of services. Offer tailored services and one on one support, which considers your needs, preferences and lifestyle.
Key areas of support for older women: financial and mental health, NDIS, aged care
Cedar Health
Cedar Health
https://www.wchn.sa.gov.au/our-network/cedar-health-service | call 08 8444 0700
Supporting health needs for people (16+) who have recently been subjected to abusive and unsafe behaviour from a partner or ex-partner (domestic and family violence).
Free healthcare provided that may include:
- Health checks
- Assessment and referral
- Counselling
You can speak to a Nurse or Social Worker, 9-5 pm Monday to Friday.
If Cedar Health Service is not the right service for you, they can arrange referrals to other services to meet your needs.[KR1]
[KR1]‘Cedar Health’ is already on there. Have updated
Australian Refugee Association
Australian Refugee Association
https://www.australianrefugee.org/our-work/family-safety/ | call on 08 8354 2951
The Australian Refugee Association (ARA) is a community-based organisation in South Australia that was established in 1975. Its mission is to help refugees and migrants settle in Australia with dignity and independence and become participating citizens. The organisation believes that refugees and migrants have the capacity and desire to be productive citizens and contribute to Australia's social, cultural, and economic life. ARA delivers culturally appropriate settlement and specialised support services to cater to the needs of all members of new arrival families. The organisation's programs include support in the areas of migration, settlement, employment, health, youth, education, disability support services and other specialised programs in domestic and family violence and child safety and wellbeing.
Migrant Women's Support Program
Migrant Women's Support Program
Women’s Safety Services SA offers a specific service for women of diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds who are in unsafe relationships. The Migrant Women’s Support program is responsive to culturally sensitive needs, conducts risk assessments, safety management, information, advocacy, and refers to, and engages with other relevant services.
Further support services
Older women’s community support SA
Older women’s community support SA
First Nations Community Support
First Nations Community Support
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Community Support
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Community Support
Country community support
Country community support
LGBTI+ community support
LGBTI+ community support
Disability Community Support
Disability Community Support
Housing community services
Housing community services
Older Women experiencing violence: Research project
As part of a 12-month research project, supported by Office for Women, The Plug-in explored the unique experiences of older women in South Australia who have experienced Family, Domestic, and Sexual Violence (FDSV).
Based on the findings from the research project, The Plug-in developed four posters aimed at raising community awareness on this critical issue. The poster design was informed by extensive desk research and collaboration with stakeholders and victim-survivors of family, domestic and sexual violence. We encourage you to download and print the posters to display at your office or in your community. Please click on each of the links below to view and print the posters.
To request professionally printed posters to be posted out to you for no cost, please contact Tahlia at The Plug-in on 08 8224 5514 or email connect@theplugin.com.auTo find out more about this research project please contact The Plug-in on connect@theplugin.com.au or alternatively call COTA SA reception on 08 8232 0422
All members of our community experience violence and there are many supports in place not included above. We encourage you to seek support.
- Lifeline (13 11 14) – support line for those experiencing personal crisis
- MensLine Australia (1300 789 978) – 24 hour support for men dealing with family violence and relationship difficulties
- No to Violence Men’s Referral Service (1300 766 491) – support for men who use violence
- Child Abuse Report Line (13 14 78)