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Understanding your energy usage and managing your energy costs

11 June 24

It can be hard to get a handle on understanding your energy usage at home. Bills are difficult to interpret and comparisons between energy retailers are notoriously complicated.

In addtion, determining the costs and benefits of making changes at home to reduce your energy usage is also tricky. For example, is it better to improve home insulation or put in energy-efficient appliances or use solar panels?

COTA SA's Climate Change Group ran its first webinar on this topic – Understanding your energy usage – in May. We were pleased to co-host the webinar with the knowledgeable assistance of Jennifer Mann from the Energy Advisory Service. If you weren't able to join us or you'd like to watch it again, a replay of the webinar can be watched here.

We plan to offer more webinars on energy and we'd love to hear from you what topics you'd like us to cover. Let us know what you might be interested in learning more about or send us your questions so that we can address your interests. Email us on or call 08 8232 0422.

We may also include the stories of COTA SA members who have experience of changing their energy usage - if you have a story you'd like to share please get in touch!

If you want to chat about Climate Change or energy usage, contact the COTA SA Climate Change Group via reception on 08 8232 0422.

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