We commend the consultation draft as an impressive, fresh and complete road strategy, paying attention to the vital contributions of both a “culture” of road safety and various infrastructure and transport options toward the 2031 outcomes
COTA SA welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Consultation Draft for a new South Australian Road Safety Strategy to 2031.
Our submission is based on ongoing inquiries and feedback to COTA SA, input provided in response to a call out about the review, consideration by the COTA SA Policy Council and advice from COTA SA’s advisory groups including –
- Goolwa Victor Harbor Advisory Group
- Rainbow Hub Advisory Group
- Yorke Peninsula Group
- Climate Change Advisory Group
Importantly, it is also gleaned from COTA SA’s regular engagement with older people through our listening posts held in shopping centres across the state including in country SA.
We commend the consultation draft as an impressive, fresh and complete road strategy, paying attention to the vital contributions of both a “culture” of road safety and various infrastructure and transport options toward the 2031 outcomes.
We particularly note the use of data to refresh thinking in developing both the focus areas and the strategies and the systems approach with each of the four pillars that lead to safe roads. We support the sharp focus on actions that will directly impact the numbers of deaths and serious injuries on South Australian roads. While the targets are ambitious, we applaud this ambition and support the breadth of key strategies that pay serious attention to the complexity of road safety.