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Stories of Acting and Adapting to the Changing Climate

22 February 23

Watch this space! We'll be sharing inspirational stories of how people are acting and adapting the changing climate.

Ever thought about installing a home battery? Tim and Sarah from Coromandel East shared their experience of installing a Powerwall Battery and the unexpected bonus that came with it.

Several years ago, they purchased a Tesla Powerwall Battery under an energy retailer’s Virtual Power Plant program.

The battery hardware and associated software make allowances for an electricity grid outage whereby If grid power is disconnected, the existing battery power is directed to a reduced number of circuits in the home.

Time and Sarah selected two circuits — one which maintained the fridge and freezer, and another that maintained power for TV, phone and essential lighting.

When the extreme weather event occurred in November 2022, causing extended power outages across southern Adelaide, they were able to survive off the grid and solely on battery power for more than three days — right up to six hours before the grid was finally restored by SA Power Networks.

Along with an almost negligible power bill, this facility has made their solar investment extra worthwhile.

Do you have a story to share of how you're acting and adapting? We'd love to hear from you!

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