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Public transport information in regional SA

13 May 24

Older people have told us, and continue to tell us, that public transport is an issue of vital importance to them. Adequate transport is fundamental for older people to be active in their communities and this can be a particular challenge in regional areas where transport options may be inadequate, inappropriate or too expensive. Another issue is that it can be hard to find out what transport is available - lack of awareness is a barrier to use and COTA SA has long advocated for a central registry of transport information to help older people living in regional areas to be aware of what transport options are available to them. This was a key recommendation in our recent State Budget submissions, both this year and last year.

While we will continue to advocate for this we are pleased that DIT has recently responded to our advice by updating the regional page on the Adelaide Metro website – the page now includes information on Community Passengers Networks as well as on regional bus services listed by region.

Some regional areas also have additional options like Red Cross transport services or Council bus services - contact your local council to find out if there are other options in your area.

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