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No mandatory testing for drivers over 60

20 January 25

In late 2024 COTA SA was contacted by a number of people who were concerned by suggestions in the media that drivers over the age of 60 should be required to undergo mandatory testing in order to retain their licence, prompted in part by a suggestion from the AMA.

COTA SA's Chief Executive, Miranda Starke, reached out to the Department for Infrastructure and Transport to raise these concerns and highlight that such a move would be ageist as well as unnecessary as we believe that there are already appropriate, evidence-based systems in place to ensure that people of all ages are fit to drive for medical reasons, when this is instigated by a medical professional.

We are pleased to share that we have received a response from Hon Tom Koutsantonis MP, Minister for Infrastructure and Transport confirming that the Department will not introduce aged based medical testing of older drivers aged 60 and above. In his response to our advocacy, Minister Koutsantonis advised:

"The AMA SA recently suggested to the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (the Department) that the current South Australian Certificate of Fitness form be updated and improved. The Department will not introduce age based medical testing of older drivers aged 60 and above."

Thank you to everyone who reached out to us with concerns on this matter, we will continue to amplify your voices on the issues that matter to you.

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