COTA SA particularly congratulates the ANZ for its recognition of the value of life experience in creating empathy and capacity to help teammates
I am writing on behalf of COTA SA to commend you for your leadership, and that of the ANZ, in expressing publicly an intention to recruit older workers to help combat labour shortages. The initiative appeared in our local media on 16th July 2021.
The evidence about discrimination toward older workers abounds. This is in spite of the fact that the many negative myths often attached to older workers have well and truly been debunked.
COTA SA particularly congratulates the ANZ for its recognition of the value of life experience in creating empathy and capacity to help teammates. Older people also tell us that they appreciate companies whose workforces reflect the diversity of their customer base.
We look forward to the ANZ’s continuing public leadership as older workers become an increasingly important proportion of their ongoing workforce.