The Strength for Life community continues to grow, reaching more people and making a difference to the lives of thousands of older South Australians. Read the latest news, information, community updates and how Strength for Life continues going from strength to strength!
Regional instructor training - Murray Bridge
Strength for Life Manager Sophie was thrilled to be able to visit Murray Bridge last weekend and provide training to Instructors who will be joining our network under the Integrated Murraylands Physical Activity Committee project.
Instructors from Mannum, Tailem Bend, Murray Bridge, Mobilong, and Karoonda will soon be offering Strength for Life across five Murraylands Council areas. Contact or to register your interest.

Conversations can lead to great things!
Over the past few weeks Strength for Life has been out and about in the community, engaging in conversations with many CALD leaders and agencies, introducing and co designing the wonderful Strength for Life Program so that it is tailored to each community's needs. We have been in great conversations with CALD leaders from:
- The Bhutanese Community
- The Australian Refugee Association
- Bene Aged Care
- Australian Migrant Resource Centre in Murray Bridge
- Southern CALD network
- Australia Donna
- The Filippino Community in the Riverland
Each conversation leads us closer to planting the seed that will lead to more and more older South Australians from CALD backgrounds participating in Strength for Life and reaping the program's amazing benefits to their health and wellbeing.
Fitness and sustainability with VIVA Fitness!
Great work from the Strength for Life crew at Viva Fitness Adelaide - they're staying fit and being sustainable! They're coming together to recycle their blister packs, egg cartons and batteries - and have plans for more!
If you're near Kidman Park you can head along to SFL at Viva Fitness, give them a call on 08 8353 5533

Falls Prevention and Better Balance in May
We're pleased to be offering our Falls Prevention and Better Balance sessions again in May and June - join us to learn the positive impact these can have on your life.
On 22 May at 1pm we will be offering our falls prevention seminar, join us for a detailed discussion around Falls Management. Register here.
Then from 29 May for 4 weeks, experience the value of balance training first-hand! Improve or maintain your balance and be confident to continue the activities you love. Register here.