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At a time when cost of living pressures for many older South Australians living on low and fixed incomes are harder than ever, the freedom to participate in community life on a full-time basis is very welcome

COTA SA Chief Executive Jane Mussared

The Council on the Ageing (COTA) SA welcomes the arrival of free public transport around the clock for Seniors Card holders in South Australia from 1 July 2022.

“The days of being Cinderellla and having to race home from a wide range of community activities to make the 3pm bus are over,” said COTA SA Chief Executive Jane Mussared.

“At a time when cost of living pressures for many older South Australians living on low and fixed incomes are harder than ever, the freedom to participate in community life on a full-time basis is very welcome.

“The many contributions older South Australians make in volunteer roles, as grandparents, as carers, as family members, as shoppers and as community members will be easier, more affordable and able to be more flexible as a result.

“This includes for the one in eight South Australian baby boomers who care for their grandchildren.

“Beyond that, it supports an increasing number of older people who are keen to use public transport instead of their cars. Many are very concerned about the impact of climate change on future generations and are looking for ways to play their part in reducing carbon emissions.”

The extension of free public transport beyond off peak times has been an important plank in the advocacy platform of COTA SA since 2016.

“The rather modest cost to the State Government of $5.2 million over 4 years will be repaid in spades,” said Ms Mussared.

“We welcome the new Government’s prompt delivery of its election promise.

“We now look forward to a similar determination to address the transport needs of 165,000 older South Australians living in our regions.”

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