COTA SA's 2025-2026 State Budget Submission
We believe there are issues that can be addressed in this year’s State Budget that will lead to the improved health, wellbeing and life experiences of older South Australians.
COTA SA Chief Executive, Miranda Starke
As the state's peak body for older South Australians, COTA SA is calling on the State Government to address cost of living pressures, access to health and wellbeing, social connections, and older South Australians living in regional SA in the 2025/26 State Budget.
Based on our engagement with thousands of older South Australians about the challenges that impact their day to day lives, COTA SA has outlined four key evidence-based recommendations for State Government investment in its 2025/26 State Budget submission.
“We’ve heard from thousands of older South Australians in shaping our evidence-based 2025/26 State Budget submission and we know that cost-of-living is the issue that is concerning South Australians aged 50+ the most, followed closely by access to health services. Older people are also looking for solutions to improve housing, transport and digital connectivity.
“We believe there are issues that can be addressed in this year’s State Budget that will lead to the improved health, wellbeing and life experiences of older South Australians.
“We have been heartened by the Malinauskas Government’s willingness to listen to the voices of older South Australians in a cost-of-living crisis and we look forward to seeing the items that we are advocating for on their behalf addressed in the State Budget.”
PRIORITY: Free ambulances for older South Australians to access emergency care
COTA SA has been a longtime advocate for free ambulance cover for pensioners in South Australia, which has one of the highest call-out fees in the country and is the last state to provide free cover to those on a full Age Pension. COTA SA through its consultation with older South Australians is aware of the challenges for older people of living on a fixed income and being faced with significant bills.
South Australia is out of step with the rest of the country, with no other state or territory charging full Age Pensioners for emergency ambulance services, with Queensland and Tasmania providing this critical service free to residents of all ages.
Data from other Australian states who have implemented free ambulance services can provide reassurance that making ambulance services free in South Australia will not result in ongoing increase in call-outs or hospital admissions.
“We will continue to advocate for South Australians on a full Age Pension to have access to free emergency ambulance services in a cost-of-living crisis. Many older South Australians, but particularly those on low and fixed incomes are struggling to make ends meet,” Miranda says.
“Access to emergency ambulance services is a critical health service and the financial hit of paying ambulance bills is a cost that older people in other Australian states don’t have to bear.”
PRIORITY: Extend the PATS scheme to the Fleurieu Peninsula for older people accessing medical help
COTA SA is calling on the State Government to extend the Patient Assistant Transport Scheme (PATS) fuel subsidy to Fleurieu Peninsula communities. The scheme currently provides financial assistance towards fuel and accommodation costs when people living in regional areas are required to travel 100km or more each way for specialist medical services. The journey from Goolwa to the Royal Adelaide Hospital is around 85km.
Reforming the PATS scheme this will create a fairer system and relieve cost of living pressures for older South Australians in the Fleurieu Peninsula, which has the oldest demographic in South Australia.
“We are aware of older people living in the Fleurieu Peninsula who have deterred seeking medical treatment because of the costs of transport,” Miranda explains.
“We know that more needs to be done to increase access to health services for older people in the Fleurieu Peninsula, the State’s oldest population. We believe access to the PATS scheme is the next logical step in this and it is not fair for this community to be shut out from the scheme by such a short distance.”
PRIORITY: Funding preventive health to keep older South Australians out of hospital
COTA SA is seeking funding for more older South Australians to have access to their successful Strength for Life program to prevent obesity, keep them healthy and out of hospital. Strength for Life is aimed at building strength to increase fitness, balance and mobility, and reduce risk of falls, chronic illness and hospitalisation.
COTA SA is calling for funding to increase access to Strength for Life exercise sessions for disadvantaged groups in Adelaide’s western suburbs and across regional areas. The organisation is also seeking funding to support free exercise sessions for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities in Adelaide’s northern and western suburbs and across regional areas.
PRIORITY: Support for older South Australians, including women, to help them manage cost of living, health and wellbeing
COTA SA is seeking funding to establish a Life Navigation Service for older South Australians, including older women, to support them to age well. Older South Australians inevitably face multiple significant decisions as they age, from the most appropriate housing for their time of life and financial position, to accessing appropriate health care, and estate planning, with research showing this change can be a major challenge and source of concern.
With almost 30% less superannuation on average than men at retirement age, older Australian women are more exposed to cost of living pressures. COTA SA’s proposed Life Navigation Service would help walk with older South Australians through key decisions and transitions, to support their decision-making and help them to navigate emerging concerns and challenges.