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Feedback to SAPOL about the Don’t Stop by Accident Campaign

1 June 22

This feedback is provided at our initiative in response to the SAPOL Don’t Stop by Accident media campaign targeting older drivers, the families of older drivers and GPs.

COTA SA received a high volume of unsolicited feedback about the campaign. In addition we undertook several workshops with older people including through our COTA SA Policy Council, our staff group, our regular Salisbury Conversations and with our advisory groups.

COTA SA supports road safety initiatives, including awareness campaigns, that recognise the increasing significance of older people as a proportion of the population using the roads. The changing age profile of our community means that it is a fact that older people will continue to grow as a proportion and raw number of our road users, whether as drivers, passengers, cyclists or pedestrians.

The document includes:

  • Feedback received
  • Campaign impact
  • The campaign has unintended consequences
  • A media campaign needs to be supported by other strategies

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