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Scams and scammers are always about but they do seem to be particularly active around the new financial year. We recently heard from a member who was scammed via a message on their computer - these scams are often very credible, arriving via phone call, text message, email or even a fake notification on your computer - and could catch any of us out.

But there are ways we can protect ourselves such as following the three rules on the Scamwatch website:

  1. Stop - Don't give money or personal information to anyone if unsure
    Read more about how to spot and avoid scams here on the Scamwatch website
  2. Think - Ask yourself, could the message be fake
    Read more about the types of scams and ways scammers might reach you here on the Scamwatch website
  3. Protect - Act quickly if something feels wrong
    Read more about what to do if you've been scammed (or think you might have been scammed) here on the Scamwatch website

You can find much more information about scams, what to do and how to avoid them on which is run by the National Anti-Scam Centre to collect reports about scams to help them warn others and to take action to stop scams.

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