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Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Annual General Meeting (AGM) today where we also released our 2023 Annual Snapshot. If you couldn’t make it, you can catch up on our activities and achievements here: COTA SA Annual Snapshot 2023

The AGM included our special guest speaker, the Hon Nat Cook MP, Minister for Human Services. Nat acknowledged COTA SA's contribution to giving older people "a voice that is strong and holds us to account" and that this voice enables the government to create and build new ideas. She also highlighted one of the key avenues for people to influence government decisions, the yourSAy website. Visit the website to give feedback on a number of issues, including current engagements such as the Carers Recognition Act Review and the Consultation on the State Disability Inclusion Plan.

Nat also took the opportunity to highlight the importance of diversity and inclusion and of working "really hard to tackle ageism and all the other isms together".

As reflected in our annual snapshot, we have strived to make a meaningful difference in the lives of our community, but we cannot do our work alone. Our achievements highlight the collective efforts of our staff, volunteers, Board, Policy Council, and advisory groups, as well as our members, clubs, COTA SA Supporters, and funding bodies.

Together, with the support of our valued community, we continue to bring our vision to life: that ageing in Australia is a time of possibility, opportunity and influence.

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