COTA SA’s State Budget Submission in focus
Priority Four: Housing
Adequate housing is a key factor in enabling people to live and age well. However, from our previous surveys, we learnt that 89% of older respondents were concerned about housing availability in South Australia and 81% were personally struggling with housing issues or were aware of someone who is.
Increasing costs to renting or buying a home, and the lack of public housing were major concerns, especially among vulnerable groups such as older women, older people with fixed or low income, LGBTI+ or people with a disability.
The latest State of the Older Nation 2023 report highlights that every 1 in 20 older Australians surveyed (5%) feel worried about their risk of homelessness in the next 12 months, and 1% have experienced it in the past 12 months.
Unless you own your own home, you will be struggling to pay rent, which takes up most of your money. There is hardly any money left to do something you like...
To address the concerns raised, COTA SA has highlighted two recommendations to the State Government:
- To grow or improve public housing stock, in order to offer a secure, affordable tenancy option for older people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
- To establish a specialised advocacy and housing service, based on the Home at Last model, that assists vulnerable older people in housing stress to secure ongoing housing.
Read more about these and other recommendations in the COTA SA 2023/24 State Budget Submission