COTA SA’s State Budget Submission in focus
Priority Three: Ageing in Regional South Australia
With more than 165,000 (26%) of South Australians aged 50+ live in regional SA, and many considering themselves lucky to be living there, a strong focus on ageing well in the regions is crucial. What is often highlighted by older people is their desire to age well and within their community, but this is riddled with its own challenges in regional SA.
Over the years of COTA SA’s journey of working with older people living in regional towns, several key recurring themes have emerged around access to transport services, adequate health care, housing, social and digital isolation, and higher unemployment rates.
Don’t get sick in the country after 3pm on a Friday. There are no hospitals open!
There is a need for a holistic regional ageing strategy to be developed to ensure that our regions are adequately equipped to deal with the opportunities and challenges presented by their ageing demographics.
Our engagement with older people in regional areas through various channels have given us these insights based on which we have put forth the below recommendations to the State Government:
- Addressing the critical shortage of health practitioners in regional areas.
- The development of an Ageing in Regional South Australia strategy and a Regional Engagement Program to work with older people and stakeholders in regional areas to promote ageing well.
- Increasing funding for Community Passenger Networks across regional South Australia.
- Promoting better understanding and knowledge of the community transport options available.
Read more about these recommendations and other priorities in the COTA SA 2023/24 State Budget Submission